A Greener Planet begins with me!

Almost everyone is talking about Climate Change… what is it? How does it affect me? What does it have to do with me as a human  leaving on planet earth? What is Global Warming? Well,Global Warming is the long-term hearting of Earth’s surface, due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere.(United Nations)
This causes a rise in temperature which affects our planet negatively, where we experience droughts wild fires, heart conditions and asthma.
What could be the cause? Well I would guess YOU. How are you the cause?
*Deforestation which is the cutting down of trees on a large scale
*Transportation that runs on fossil fuels 
*Industries and Powering Buildings that draw coal, oil and natural gas for heating and cooling.. which contributes highly on greenhouse gases.
But how do we reduce on global warming because we surely need to.. well, here are a few solutions 
* Afforestation which is the planting of trees in new places 
*Reforestation which is the planting of trees where there were forests.
*Invest in renewable energy 
*keep fossil fuels in the ground
*Restore and absorb more carbon 
*Encouraging the planting and production of more vegetables diet
*Reduce Plastic
*Protect forests like the Amazon forest 
*Fund third world countries with strategies of a better way of living without effects of global warming.

Now that you have known how you cause and how you can solve the issue of climate change, How will you work on a greener planet because it surely begins with you!!!


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